About Us

The Waterloo Wellington Estate Planning Councils an organization of professionals from various disciplines of estate planning such as legal, tax, financial planning, insurance, trust and charitable gift planning who advise the public on the various aspects of estate planning.

The Waterloo Wellington Estate Planning Council presents a regular program of continuing education and networking meetings for its members.

Objectives and Aims

The purpose of our meetings is to introduce a variety of estate planning ideas and concepts that integrate our various disciplines. Our speakers and meeting topics are identified as having value to the membership as a whole and provide an opportunity to develop collaborative work opportunities.

The Council exists to:

  • Provide an opportunity for members to discuss and promote discussion of estate planning topics of mutual interest
  • Develop knowledge of the functions of various disciplines of our members, and strive for full cooperation amongst various disciplines
  • Study legislation and amendments concerning tax and other matters pertaining to estate planning and share results of the study with the Council members

The membership of the Waterloo Wellington Estate Planning Council consists of members from the professions of law, accountancy, insurance, trust and financial planning, all involved in various aspects of estate planning. We also have members who practice estate planning from other fields such as planned giving. Many of our members are leaders in their respective professional fields.