Mar 11, 2021 - Tax Considerations for Estate Executors

Location: via Zoom


James Rhodes

This evening’s presenter will be James Rhodes, founder of Taxation Lawyers in Kitchener, whose practice is restricted to dealing with tax dispute resolution. As a former clerk of the Tax Court of Canada, and subsequently a lawyer with Department of Justice representing the government against taxpayers, he brings a full resolution perspective to matters he is involved in.

While a portion of his practice involves representing taxpayers in the Tax Court of Canada or Federal Court of Appeal, the true value in his work occurs at the audit and appeal stage in negotiating with the Canada Revenue Agency. Often taxpayers, or their representatives, focus narrowly on the scope of a tax audit only to miss the bigger picture and hurt their case before it even reaches the Tax Court. James’ goal is to maximize their chance of success even before the case commences.

Following the presentation, there will be some announcements and participants on the Zoom meeting will be divided into breakout rooms so you can socialize in a smaller group.

If you are interested in attending, please email Val at to have the Zoom link sent to you.

Topics: Tax Considerations for Estate Executors


  • 5:00pm: Presentation
  • 6:00pm: Announcements and Social Time after Presentation ... time approximate


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Mar 11, 2021 - Tax Considerations for Estate Executors

No RSVP form for this meeting.